Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cute Jackets and Purses

I found another cute store in NC where the lady made her own jackets and bags from fabric that was brought from India. They were so professorially made I was amazed by the beauty of it. I don't have the store name, but if you are interested just let me know and I'll find it out for you.

Make Your Own Birch Log Kit

I found this cute shop on and they had this cute log kit where you can make your own log. I thought that they were so amazing and cute, I had to share it. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bridal Jewelry

Ok, so since I got married this year I had to make bridal jewelry for myself. Once I did that, I decided to make some for others :) Hope you like them! You can find them at :)